Salvatore by W. Somerset Maugham
According to the author, which one quality shone with a radiance in Salvatore ? Give reason to support your answer.
Answer : Salvatore, the protagonist of the story with same name ,written by W. Somerset Maugham, is an ordinary fisherman who is cheerful, kind hearted, pleasant and hard working man. He is an embodiment of the loveliest and the rarest quality anyone can aspire for — it is his inherent goodness and due to this goodness he appeals to the readers most.
The story is a biographical account in chronological order and the author directly communicates with the readers both at the beginning and at the end to tell the purpose of the story. The purpose of the story is to bring forward the inner beauty of a man — his goodness which makes this ordinary man, extraordinary.
The inherent goodness shone with radiance in several occasions -
■ Salvatore's concern for his brothers ----
Salvatore being a responsible and caring eldest brother used to take care of his two younger brothers. As his duty and out of love he would not let them venture too far in the sea. He would also dress them appropriately when they had to climb the hot vine clad hill for the midday meal.
◆ Salvatore's Endurance----
In far away China, he was crippled by rheumatism, he was kept in a hospital for several months he “ bore it with mute and uncomprehending patience of a dog.” When he learnt that the disease made him unfit for further service he took the misfortune in its stride.
“his heart exulted, for he could go home”.
Even when rheumatism “ racked his limbs” with pain he would “ lie about the beach “ with a “ pleasant word for everyone”. Despite all his sufferings he had a positive outlook towards life.
◆ Salvatore's Respect for the Girl he loved -----
Now, Salvatore’s inherent goodness came to forefront when he did not blame the girl. “ He was terribly unhappy, but he did not blame the girl.”
Salvatore was brokenhearted. He wept on his mother’s bosom. He understood that” a girl could not afford to marry a man who might not be able to support her.”
His smile was very sad and his eyes had “ the look of a dog that has been beaten,” but neither did he complain, nor he uttered any harsh words for her.
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Originally published at on January 25, 2020.